The Goal


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Oldie but Goodie

I still got it!

This VHS tape has been collecting dust for at least five years! Being older, extra top heavy,weakening knees, and an injured foot, I didn't think I could hang with my old fitness buddy Denise Austin. She and I go waaayyy back to my first pregnancy 17 years ago when I called myself doing the right thing and exercising during my pregnancy. Although I didn't reap any visible benefits--at least none that mattered to mr--from exercising during my pregnancy, Austin's high energy and positive reassurances throughout her videos was addicting. Over the years I've purchased several of her videos. I always loved her, like "You can do it!" attitude!

Truth be told, I was in better shape when I using her videos. Today marks a new beginning. Maybe now with my improved eating habits, I'll actually lose some of this belly.

Who is your favorite fitness personality! Share in the comments below.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Will a Flat Belly Make You Happy?

"It would?"My friend asked quizzically when I exclaimed how happy I would be if I could get a flat stomach. For me, that's the truth and nothing but the truth. She and I were talking about getting out flat stomachs through plastic surgery.

I was surprised she looked at me so crazily. Who wouldn't be happy for a flat stomach after years trying to get one? Especially when you're considering to go so far as to have surgery to get it.

What's the point if you're not going to feel any differently?

Now don't get your panties in a bunch! I'm not, by any means, saying that a flat stomach will solve all problems in my life--not that I have so many. Nor do I mean to insinuate that a flat stomach will really make me happy. Because I know where my happiness comes from and that's not from anything tangible. That's on the inside. In fact, I already possess it.

However, getting a flat stomach--or something close to it--would be a dream come true! And who wouldn't be happy realizing a dream???