The Goal


Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Zumba Doesn't Equal Another

No amount of exhaustion could have kept me away from a free Zumba class. I love free even more than I love Zumba! After staying up until the wee hours of the night watching the election results, exhausted doesn't begin to describe how tired I was. Still I wasn't turning down free. And of course I didn't need to be turning down the exercise either.

For those reasons and the fact that I wanted to check out a different instructor, I pressed my way to the class with my cozy bed not far from my mind. Long story short, what I liked most about the instructor was her long thick twists. Yep, she's a naturalista too. Other than that I wasn't impressed with her. Maybe this is because my regular Zumba instructor, Diamond, has the energy of a fireball that anyone else would pale in comparison. Before Diamond I thought no one could top the first Zumba instructor I had. Then came Diamond. Nevertheless, I think Amber--the latest instructor--is worth another shot.

Why? She's young. And according to her bio she's educated in exercise science. Also during her introduction, she mentioned that she was a hip hop dancer, too. So I figure that maybe she held back a little because there was a considerable amount of older participants in the class.

What makes one Zumba instructor better than another to you? Would you give the new instructor another chance?