I want to go to Zumba today. Really, I do. But I'm fighting this voice in the back of my heading saying, "You're just trying to be like most of America this week, kick starting a weight loss plan that you're not going to keep up with." Pure negativity, I know. Still the voice is loud and clear.
In my defense, however, Monday and Tuesday, and sometimes Fridays, I always think about going to Zumba class. After attending The B.O.M.B. Fitness Parties, LLC Zumba class, led by instructor Diamond, it's hard not to miss going. Unfortunately, after a long day of sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen I feel compelled to go home do the same thing. Go figure. Sometimes, on a good day, I may be otherwise inclined to pop in a exercise DVD, in which I don't have to spend anymore money on. However, I don't get anything close to the workout I get with Diamond, nor have anything close to the fun!
If I could just change my mindset, get over this hurdle, I know I can commit 2 measly days to a fun, exciting exercise class. It'll be worth the $14/week it'll cost me. When my belly starts dwindling down, it will be. Not to mention, if I stick to it throughout the winter months, I'll be something close to beach body ready for the summer--maybe even a sexy wedding dress by spring. Heck, the money's going to get spent on something or another anyway, right? May as well be a better body for me.