The Goal


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bankruptcy on Belly Fat

My finances were heavy on my mind as I laid in bed last night. Seems like all of my adult life I've been trying to get out of debt just like I've been trying to lose the same belly fat--maybe a little extra--that I got after I had my first child. Before I fell asleep a thought passed through mind. "Too bad I can't file bankruptcy on this belly fat like I can for my debt." At least not for $2k or less.

LaCharmine (L.A.) Jefferson
Author, Writer, Blogger


Blogs by me:

L.A.'s Literary Love Life@

A Day in the Life of L.A. Jefferson @

All Things Love @

Naturally L.A. @

Surviving Work @

Follow me on Twitter @lajefferson

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Good Day/week

After I was't able to make it to Zumba class on Monday, I'd pretty much given up on exercising this week. Not because I'm a quitter but because the rest of the week was jammed pack with other stuff and I let those things zap my motivation to do anything else. My friend at work had another plan. Better than mine. On Tuesday, no It was Wednesday, she asked me to go down to our fitness center at work over lunch and do a mile or two of my walking video. Did you catch that? My walking video! I could've been doing that all along--Zumba or not. Duh! Obviously, the motivation wasn't there beyond the plan for Zumba. As it stands I owe this weeks motivation to my work workout buddy!

Did anybody help you this week?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fitness Girl Crush

A girl crush refers to the infatuation that one heterosexual woman develops for another woman who may seem impossibly sophisticated, gifted, beautiful or accomplished. It's completely healthy and I'm not ashamed to admit that I have one. On my Zumba fitness instructor. Quite frankly, she has the best body I've seen on a African American female fitness instructor who wasn't on television! It's much more visually inspiring than the last AA female fitness instructor I went to whose belly was questionably NOT flat. Maybe she'd recently given birth. I don't know. What I do know is that I expect someone helping me get fit to already be fit themselves. Not just "healthy" fit, but "hot" fit! No worries with my new instructor. Her body simply rocks! And gosh darn it! I want it!

Guess I better keep going to her class, huh? And find out what she eats on a daily basis.

Want to share your fitness girl crush? Comment below.

Skinny Fat

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Zumba, Here I Come...Hopefully

I want to go to Zumba today. Really, I do. But I'm fighting this voice in the back of my heading saying, "You're just trying to be like most of America this week, kick starting a weight loss plan that you're not going to keep up with." Pure negativity, I know. Still the voice is loud and clear.

In my defense, however, Monday and Tuesday, and sometimes Fridays, I always think about going to Zumba class. After attending The B.O.M.B. Fitness Parties, LLC Zumba class, led by instructor Diamond, it's hard not to miss going. Unfortunately, after a long day of sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen I feel compelled to go home do the same thing. Go figure. Sometimes, on a good day, I may be otherwise inclined to pop in a exercise DVD, in which I don't have to spend anymore money on. However, I don't get anything close to the workout I get with Diamond, nor have anything close to the fun!

If I could just change my mindset, get over this hurdle, I know I can commit 2 measly days to a fun, exciting exercise class. It'll be worth the $14/week it'll cost me. When my belly starts dwindling down, it will be. Not to mention, if I stick to it throughout the winter months, I'll be something close to beach body ready for the summer--maybe even a sexy wedding dress by spring. Heck, the money's going to get spent on something or another anyway, right? May as well be a better body for me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Of course, everyone follows suit with their New Year's resolution on the first day of the new year. And the first week, for that matter. I'm no different. Still I can't help reporting my success on this first day. Gotta celebrate the small successes, right? Right. So here we go...

We woke up late this morning and after dancing for two hours straight at the New Edition concert, I was hardly planning to cook breakfast. Off to brunch we went. Kerby Coney Island. Whereas my usual meal would have been a Belgian waffle, scrambled eggs, and turkey sausage, this morning--afternoon, actually--I opted for an egg white omelet, with 1/2 an order of hash browns, and only a few squares of my son's pancakes. A couple of hours later I was at my mom's for her traditional New Year's dinner of black eyed peas, greens, and baked chicken. Delicious & healthy!

If I keep this up, I'll be skinny-fat no more!

Happy New Year