The Goal


Friday, December 30, 2011

Call it Quits or Not?

Now that I'm on the other side of 35, I find myself, more often than not, considering calling it quits on my dream of having flat abs-- or anything close to it. After all, isnt it at about this age that everything starts working against me as a woman? Metabolism decreasing. Bone density decreasing, etc. But that doesn't stop me from always chastising myself for bad eating or not exercising enough. From my research and personal experience it can take years of consistently doing the right things to achieve the results that I desire. That being the case, that means I could be near forty before I have the body that I want. And what's the likelihood of me doing the right thing to make that happen? So far today all I've eaten has been carbs! Pancakes for breakfast, breadsticks for lunch. What chance does the grapefruit I plan to eat this evening have against that?

That brings me to the question I seem to always be asking myself. Should I just give up the dream? Call it quits on having a slamming body? Is it even possible to do this? After 16 years of tweaking my diet and trying to make exercise apart of my regular routine, is it even possible to call it quits?

LaCharmine (L.A.) Jefferson,

Author of Unfinished Business, the story of one woman's addiction to the wrong man for the wrong reason & what she risks to get him out of her system for good.

Available at &


My Blogs:
A Day in the Life of L.A. Jefferson @
All Things Love @
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Skinny Fat New Year Resolution

I'm tired of thinking about fitness! Here I am on vacation exercising as I write this when all I want to do is sit on the couch and read. Is that so bad a desire? How can it be, for gods sake? It's reading! Don't the powers that be say we need to do more of that too? Truth be told I'm only doing this because I've been eating cake & cookies and other carbs. The 2 grapefruits and orange that I've eaten don't coke close to the bad stuff. So this is out of necessity.

Since this [exercise] is not want I prefer to do in my spare time, I got to thinking what I can do to not have to do this. Eating better is what I came up with.

In the next few days while most of America is resolving to lose weight for the new year, I'm resolving to prepare more healthy meals at home. Time to put my cookbooks to work, wipe the dust off of them.

Happy New Year!

LaCharmine (L.A.) Jefferson,

Author of Unfinished Business, the story of one woman's addiction to the wrong man for the wrong reason & what she risks to get him out of her system for good.

Available at &


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A Day in the Life of L.A. Jefferson @
All Things Love @
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

If I Were a Boy--Fitness version

If I were a boy I would have an awesome body without putting forth a lot of effort.

If I were a boy I would have as many children as I wanted without my body having any evidence of such.

If I were a boy I would have little to no responsibility for my children and would, therefore, have plenty of time for the gym before or after work.

If I were a boy I would stay in shape easily by playing basketball with a group of my friends.

If I were a boy I would down whatever I wanted and still burn fat because of my high metabolism.

And finally, if I were a boy, and chose to do none of this and gained a nice gut, I can still be hot because I'm not judged by my figure.

How sweet???

LaCharmine (L.A.) Jefferson,

Author of Unfinished Business, the story of one woman's addiction to the wrong man for the wrong reason & what she risks to get him out of her system for good.

Available at


My Blogs:
A Day in the Life of L.A. Jefferson @
All Things Love @
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Monday, December 5, 2011

Can You Handle the Truth?

Leslie Sansone has a great body! Not too big, not too small. As I pump my arms and lift my legs to feverently to the beat of the music in her video, I couldn't help wondering if she achieved that body from simply power walking??? What does she do personally to keep her body so nicely sculpted? Inquiring minds want to know. Seriously. I used to wonder the same thing about Denise Austin--another woman who's physical body I stand in great admiration of. When I would be drenched in sweat doing one of her many exercise programs, I would skeptically wonder if I was on the road to transforming my body into something remotely close to hers. Or do I, like Denise Austin and Leslie Sansone, need to commit my life FOR YEARS ON END to reap such benefits.

I just want the truth. I want the numbers. Fitness experts should tell folks that it will surely take more than a few months of dedication to exercise and an healthier diet to have bodies similar to theirs. Most of them have been at it ALL of their lives. Health and fitness is their life! It's not something they, like us, pick up and put down depending on which way the wind blows.

Know the truth and live the truth!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where's the Beef?

Why does it seem like whenever I buy some cubed steak or beef pot roast,that's when I hear something that I already know--we should as little beef as possible due to how long it takes to digest in our bodies. Knowing that is precisely why I only buy beef every so often HOWEVER that doesn't stop the guilt from hovering all over me while I'm cutting a steak knife through my steak or pot roast. Naturally, I recommitt myself to no beef for awhile after that, then it's back to boring chicken,chicken,chicken. Time to break out the cookbooks.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fitness Accomplishment

I'm pretty proud of myself! Just a few minutes ago I completed Leslie Sansone's 5 mile walking video--the entire video, which equates to an hour long power walk! This is an accomplishment for more than one reason. Number one, exercising on a Saturday afternoon is NOT something I normally do. Number two, so far this week I've only managed to complete four miles throughout the course of the day and yesterday I only made it to two miles because a few other obligations that got in the way--woke up late, had errands to run over lunch, then my son's cub scout meeting in the evening. Nothing out of the ordinary for a single, working, single mom. Anyway, the fact that I still fit in the workout this afternoon after the morning activities AND the upcoming evening activities that I have, I deserve a pat on the back. Thank you very much! I'm prayerful that the momentum continues!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Overcoming Today's Exercise Obstacle

So far I'm behind schedule for this Friday afternoon. It's one thirty in the afternoon and I've only completed one mile of my walking video. In the words of my high school history teacher, "This is not good. Not good at all." According to my new workout regimen, I should be at three miles by now! Problem started this morning with waking up late and having to leave early due to the weather. But as soon as I got to work, I popped in my DVD--at my desk, no less--and knocked down the first mile of the day. Yep, that's how committed I am to this program! On my next break, I'll sneak in another mile, then the last two at home--prayerfully! I'm also glad to report that I've been eating pretty good, too, and drinking lots of water. No wonder I feel a little thinner today!

LaCharmine Jefferson,

Author of Unfinished Business, the story of one woman's addiction to the wrong man for the wrong reason & what she risks to get him out of her system for good.
Available at &
My Blogs:
A Day in the Life of L.A. Jefferson @
All Things Love @
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

My New Doable Exercise Plan

Yesterday I spent my lunch period at work working out. Since our building managers have finally refurnished our fitness center with a working television with DVD & VHS player, I was excited to get back to working out AT WORK. For my particular circumstances, it's the best way for me to achieve some sort of consistency with my exercise regimen, which we all know is one of the keys to success.

Although I purchased and have received the 10lb Slimdown program by Chris Freytag, that program is entirely too intense for me to do at work. I'd be too sweaty and would definitely need to take a shower, which would prolong my lunch time, thus my time at work. Who wants to do that, right? Therefore, right now I'm working out with Leslie Sansone Walk at Home video. It's perfect for the workout regimen I'm creating for myself.

The program is 5 mile walking program broken down in individual 1 mile walks. My plan, which I devised yesterday, is to do one mile in the morning before work, 2-3 miles at work between my lunch & two breaks, and the last mile in the evening when I get home. If I keep that up, plus eating more vegetables & drinking more water--the other part of my weight loss plan--I should be able to see noticeable results by the end of the year.

Oh yeah, speaking of weight loss, I plan to do this without getting on the scale if that's possible. Those darn numbers can be so discouraging when they don't budge after you put in considerable effort! I figure I can pick out a pair of pants that fit too tight right now and measure my progress with those. After all, it is my waistline that's my primary concern. The jury's still out on that one. I might weigh myself this Sunday. We'll see.

I'll keep you posted.