The Goal


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fat Loss Secret Hoarders

Why can't folks just tell the truth??? Don't they know the truth always comes to light. Eventually. A "friend" of mine who maintains her weight very well WITHOUT exercising, so she says, claims watching her food intake is all she does. Hmph! Now I finally find out the truth! Water pills! And I would have never found out if I hadn't been eating lunch with her the other day. Anyway, this girl comes into our dining area and asks in a whisper, "Anybody have any water pills?" And without so much as second thought, my friend was like, "I do!" It was then that the light bulb went off in my head and I knew she was a fake! I lost respect for her. I mean, seriously, what would have been the harm in admitting to taking a daily water pill for weight maintenance? Was she afraid she'd look like the cheater that she turned out to be, in my eyes at least? I just wish folks would just keep it real. Whether you take a daily water pill, rub some kind of magic potion on your fat zones to keep them toned, have a standard bi-annual appointment with your plastic surgeon, or you only eat one meal a day--whatever it is--don't keep it secret from your girlfriends! We're all in this fat battle together. Let's share and share alike!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another step in the right direction. It's 11AM-- my lunch time, right? Thing is, I'm not that hungry. So, rather than eat my lunch anyway along with my lunch buddies, I opt to eat the grapefruit that I've been carrying around all week for a mid morning snack! Wasn't that a good idea? I think so!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

There a comes in every skinny fat's life that she's gotta start making better food choices. Today mine was 1/2 a veggie wrap for lunch, the other 1/2 for late afternoon meal, and a cup of vegetable soup for dinner. Besides the cookie that I ate, today was a near perfect eating day. Yay me!
If I had a flare for dramatic antics, I would have fell out in the middle of the floor of Wilson's Leather Outlet store when the clerk disclosed in an off-topic conversation that she was pregnant. She was so thin I had to take a double look as I was thinking, "Huh?" The girl was as thin as a toothpick! Seriously! When I got look at her 14 wk pregnant belly, the first thing that popped into my head was, "Damn. No wonder folks be thinking I'm pregnant."

If not for the cute tote bag and leather jacket I was buying on sale, I would've undoubtedly been depressed.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's no secret that it's plenty more out of shape people walking around than it is in shape people. Think that makes me feel better? Absolutely not! In fact, it makes me feel worse to be in such company! I'm supposed to be among the exceptions to the rule. Unfortunately this fact has not metriculated to my physical self, but someday it will. I'm hoping it's before the end of my time on this planet.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Arrrgh! It really burns me up when I feel someone's eyes gazing at my middle, especially if I've been caught NOT sucking my stomach in. All I can imagine them thinking is, "Is she pregnant?" Considering it was a guy, he was probably checking out everything BUT my tummy! Still, this is just how my mind works.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guess this day was doomed from the start when I bought a glazed donut & coffee for breakfast. Speedwalking a few times a day did nothing to motivate my decisions for the remainder of the day. I still ended up buying a brown sugar poptart for an aftenoon snack. Then, after work, I let my daughter convince me into Big Boys for dinner where I ate spaghetti and a small portion of a brownie fudge cake dessert! Now i have the nerve to try to salvage the day with some dancing before I go to bed!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wrong Side of the FitnessTrack

While my daughter and sister are heading to the gym, I'm pretty sure that I'll be heading to the store to buy a  pack of Oreo cookies--not the BIG pack but not the snack size either-- to enjoy while I have a couple of hours to myself--my son is outside playing. I know that's about as wrong as two left feet but that is soooo where my head is this evening after a day of rest & relaxation from work. And one thing I've learned on this journey to living a healthy lifestyle is, "If you're having a craving for something in particular, grant yourself permission to indulge." If you don't, as I have learned too, the craving will just keep knawing at you like a dog knawing on a bone. Sometimes trying to deny yourself the craving causes more harm than good, mentally and physically! Guess you figured where I'm going with this, right? Right! I bought the cookies! But, oh, how times have changed! For the better!!I couldn't even polish off the entire pack! Not that I was trying to, but I do remember when...Midway through, I put the remaining cookies away then pulled out my iPod and got to dancing those calories off!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

 No, I don't feel the best about the two small slices of pizza I just ate at 11pm as I lay in the bed about to go to sleep, I do feel good about my committment to move more during this week. May even be renewing my gym membership. We'll see.

Good Company Reaps Better Choices

From time to time--okay, A LOT--I feel like eating something that I really want to eat. Pancakes or a glazed donut for breakfast, chicken tenders and fries for lunch, and pizza for dinner. Most recently when I've had those kinds of desires I happen to be in the company of some health conscience coworkers who helped me make better decisions. For example, on Friday I planned to buy a donut from our cafeteria to go along with this delicous flavored coffee that I brought into work with me.  As I shared this with her she encouraged me to only eat half of the donut. At first I was like "whatever", but after some thoughtful consideration her advice made perfect sense. Another time I went to the cafeteria with a coworker. While I was intending on getting a grilled chicken quesedia, she was intending on a lighter alternative. Walking and talking with her I ended up purchasing some soup and I felt much better.

Yes, it can get frustrating always talking about diet and fitness, but having other like-minded persons in your company, making good choices is a bit easier.